Every day we face various challenges in our daily lives that prevent us from doing the things we would like to do in public spaces. These are barriers that many different people experience every day because of their culture, gender or disability. That is why we would like to ask you to share them with us in the project.
Share with us...
...your experienced BARRIERS
...your PERSPECTIVES (e.g. pram user, caclist...),
...the PLACEwhere you experienced them.
What can you do to take part?
Upload your experienced barrier from now on until the 30.11.2024
How can you do it? As a story, photo, soundtrack or text.
Where? You'll find the participation button in the orange field (see below).
Why? Your barrier story flows anonymously into exhibitions and research, and helps to recognise and avoid barriers.
Responsible for the campaign: F.Asche (concept, design, realisation, curation, management)
Your barrier story is part of research on the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG11): By taking part, you are making a contribution to the DEIN*ORT LAB 11 real-world laboratory at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. This will enable the researchers to learn more about barriers experienced (social, cultural, physical...). You contribute to information about barriers and to research on the barrier-free design of public spaces.
A cultural event organised by DEIN*ORT LAB 11 at the Museum am U
The results included in the exhibition can be seen: On the U-ZWEI floor of the Museum am U, an interactive exhibition based on the collected barrier stories will take place in the Hidden Gallery from 27 September to the end of October 2024. Visitors to the exhibition will be informed about barriers in the most accessible way possible.
A campaign of the FH Dortmund funded by the BMBF in cooperation with the U-Zwei Museum: The campaign takes place in dialogue between the DEIN*ORT project of the FH Dortmund and those responsible for the exhibition rooms and the numerous cooperation partners involved in the DEIN*ORT project (see DEIN*ORT) and action partners (including the deaf association, HOKIDO daycare centre, Leibnizgymnasium).
The barrier stories will be included anonymously in various exhibitions: Your data will be stored in the context of the campaign and promotion for a maximum of 20 months until the final conference of the DEIN*ORT project in December 2025 for contact purposes. You can find more information on the conditions of participation and data protection at LAB 11.
In the DEIN*ORT project, we look at a wide range of barriers and develop solutions
“Innovation starts, where people tell their stories. That's why we collect barriers experienced from different perspectives in the project to develop solutions.”
©Friederike Asche 2024

Perspectives are
The DEIN*ORT-Project looks at publicly accessible spaces from different perspectives.
- From the perspective
- ...of people with dementia
- ...of students and prospective students
- ...of users of urban public space
- ...of people with disabilities
- ...of people with a migration background
- ...of school pupils
- …
(more about the project)
DEIN*ORT is a research- and teaching project at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The project is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).
© Logo Fördergeber Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Here, scientists (academics) conduct research together with citizens and students on the design of inclusive and barrier-free publicly accessible spaces.
The interdisciplinary scientists are architects, computer scientists and social scientists.
Friederike Asche is an interdisciplinary scientist who is particularly committed to and responsible for this complex project. She developed the project, manages it as scientific director and is therefore responsible for the entire project. She develops all concepts and analyses, conducts research and teaches in the project. She is a doctoral student in the project and the contact person for all questions, presentations and publications.
The project is a so-called transdisciplinary project, which means that a very complex topic is being researched on an interdisciplinary basis. The research in the project has a practical relevance and the research question originates from practice. The knowledge gained in the DEIN*ORT project then leads to the development of technical, social and spatial solutions, which are further developed in so-called real laboratories (such as LAB 11).
DEIN*ORT (Below you find informations to the projekt in easy speech)
DEIN*ORT is a research and teaching project at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
- In the project, we conduct research with people and design solutions for spaces with the help of technology. We deal with public spaces.
- These spaces are, for example, outdoors, in the park, in the museum, in the backyard, on the street and in the neighborhood.
DEIN*ORT is a transdisciplinary project
- This means that researchers (scientists) from different disciplines work together on the project.
- They work with people who experience barriers in public spaces.
- In the DEIN*ORT project, these are people with dementia, people with illnesses, people without illnesses, young and old people. They all use urban spaces. As such, they know best how these spaces should be designed so that they can be used by them.
- The researchers in this project listen to the users of public space. They want to know how urban spaces can be better designed so that everyone can meet there.
- The researchers develop solutions and try them out with some users and experts from the field.
- Sometimes they also develop new solutions together with the users. In general, the researchers work together with experts from the field and the users. The aim is to develop solutions that improve life for everyone.
DEIN*ORT LAB 11 at the Museum at the Dortmunder U
The campaign is accompanied by the research team of the project and the participating cooperation
Responsible for all actions: Author, implementation and management: F.Asche